समाधान: राजीव कृष्ण सक्सेना

समाधान: राजीव कृष्ण सक्सेना

समाधान: राजीव कृष्ण सक्सेनाLove is not easy. Emotional turmoil and tiffs take their toll. Heightened sensitivity and expectations cause misunderstandings with which the lovers have to deal with constantly. Talking the problems over is not great help because language is too crude a medium to communicate feelings. Here are some suggestions…

समाधान: राजीव कृष्ण सक्सेना

प्रिये यह अनमनापन
और अपनी सब समस्याएं‚
उभरती भावनाओं से निरंतर
यह तनावों की धटाएं‚
प्रेम के निर्मल क्षितिज पर
क्यों अचानक छा गई हैं?

सुलझना इस समस्या का
नहीं बातों से अब संभव‚
चलो अब मूक नैनों को जुबां दें।
चलो अब तूल ना दें
इन धटाओं को‚
इसे खुद ही सिमटने दें।

उदासी के कुहासे में
बहुत दिन जी चुके हैं।
बहुत से अश्रु यूं चुपचाप
हम तुम पी चुके हैं।
चलो इन अश्रुओं को आज हम
निर्बाध बहने दें‚
नहीं इन को छुपाएं।
चलो इस छटपटाहट से
निकलने को‚
तनिक सा मुस्कुराएं!

∼ ‘समाधान‘ poem by ‘राजीव कृष्ण सक्सेना

7 Steps to Creating Some Space and Calming Your Emotions

If you are feeling emotional distress, here are seven steps to help you calm down.

  • First, create a buffer between yourself and whatever is occurring.
  • Slow down and take some deep breaths. This will help you find solid ground again.
  • Become present to what is happening and how you are feeling in the present moment. Take responsibility for your emotions and do your best to avoid projecting them onto others.
  • Ask yourself what it is that you need in this moment and if there is anything you can do to improve the situation right now. Get clear on the need you had that went unfulfilled and whether or not you can identify a solution in this moment.
  • If creative solutions arise, make a note of them and come back to explore how you might implement them when the time is right.
  • Determine how you can mitigate the emotional charge by accepting people and situations as they are. Remember that everyone is doing their best from their level of awareness at the time.
  • If you cannot change how things are, practice acceptance and surrender, and notice how you begin to settle into the emotions rather than being taken for a wild ride.

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