Thanksgiving Day Quiz For Children

Thanksgiving Day Quiz For Children

Thanksgiving Day Quiz For Children: Thanksgiving is a truly American holiday. Families get together for dinner and fun. Most people know the origin of Thanksgiving, but most do not know all the facts and trivia associated with Thanksgiving.

This quiz shares Thanksgiving quiz / trivia, facts, and some fun activities for your family get-together. You will find some fun Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers to stump your guests. Additionally, we have a Thanksgiving Quiz to test your knowledge. We close this article with a list of Thanksgiving activities and games.

Thanksgiving Day Quiz For Children

Thanksgiving is a day rich in traditions, but how much does your family know about those traditions? These trivia questions are a great way to get conversations started and to test your family member’s smarts. Some fun ideas for using these questions include, writing the questions on cards with the answers on the back and placing them around the appetizer buffet, or you could hold a trivia contest after dinner with the winner being exempt from kitchen clean up.

  1. Which Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?
  2. What year was the first Thanksgiving held?
  3. Which president made the first Thanksgiving day proclamation?
  4. In 1941, congress declared Thanksgiving day to be held on what Thursday in November?
  5. Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade started during which decade?
  6. Which ship did the Pilgrims sail on to Plymouth Rock?
  7. Which historical figure wanted the turkey to be the national bird?
  8. Which President set the official celebration day for Thanksgiving as the last Thursday?
  9. Turkey should be cooked to what degree Fahrenheit?
  10. How many Turkeys are cooked in the US for Thanksgiving each year?

Check Answers! - Thanksgiving Day Quiz For Children

  1. The Wampanoag Indians
  2. 1621
  3. George Washington
  4. The fourth Thursday
  5. The 1920’s
  6. The Mayflower
  7. Benjamin Franklin
  8. Abraham Lincoln
  9. 165 degrees Fahrenheit
  10. 45 million


Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States and Canada when people give thanks. In the United States, it is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is on the second Monday of October.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln said the last Thursday of November would be a national Day of Thanksgiving for the United States. American immigrants brought the customs and practices of the American Thanksgiving to Canada, beginning on April 5, 1872. The United States Congress permanently made the fourth Thursday of each November as a national holiday in the year 1941. In 1957, Canada made the second Monday of each October a national holiday. Thanksgiving was first celebrated to give thanks for the harvest.

The event that Americans commonly call the “First Thanksgiving” was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first feast in the New World in October 1621. This feast lasted three days. Edward Winslow, who was there, said that 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims were there. More people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving than Christmas and New Year. Americans eat 46 million turkeys or more each Thanksgiving.

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