Why do some insects get attracted towards light?

Why do some insects get attracted towards light?

Radiation emitted by light sources are responsible for attracting insects towards it. A series of experiments have confirmed that a narrow band of infra-red radiation emitted by light sources attract insects. A study was conducted on moths. It was observed that, only the males of the species got attracted towards the light source, mistaking it for female moths. Female moths secrete a chemical called pheromone, which has a scent and acts as sex appeal for moths. The infra-red radiation emits a similar scent and confuses the male moth. Candle light emits sufficient amount of infra-red radiation, attracting lots of secrets.

Funny Logics

  • Because others are either sleeping or already have mates.
  • Basic instincts.
  • To get into the lime-light.
  • In pursuit of a suitable alliance.
  • In search of their lost ones.

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