What is a persuasive mirror?

What is a persuasive mirror?It’s a technology that enables people to see how they would look like in the future, based on their habits. Users will have to fill out a questionnaire detailing their lifestyle and upload their images. Based on the information provided, the technology will digitally age the person and show how he/she will appear six months later.

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Weekly Bhavishyafal

साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल 05 से 11 मई 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य

साप्ताहिक भविष्यफल 05 – 11 मई 2024: पंडित असुरारी नन्द शांडिल्य: एस्ट्रोलॉजिकल बर्थ चार्ट के …