A replica of the Hermione, the 18th century ship that brought French General Lafayette to America, sails the waters off New York on July 4, 2015, leading a flotilla marking the US Independence Day. The faithful reproduction of the majestic French frigate glided past New York's famed Verrazano Bridge, State of Liberty and Manhattan skyline, where it was joined by scores of other boats and ships.

A replica of the Hermione, the 18th century ship that brought French General Lafayette to America, sails the waters off New York on July 4, 2015, leading a flotilla marking the US Independence Day. The faithful reproduction of the majestic French frigate glided past New York’s famed Verrazano Bridge, State of Liberty and Manhattan skyline, where it was joined by scores of other boats and ships.

A replica of the Hermione, the 18th century ship that brought French General Lafayette to America, sails the waters off New York on July 4, 2015, leading a flotilla marking the US Independence Day. The faithful reproduction of the majestic French frigate glided past New York's famed Verrazano Bridge, State of Liberty and Manhattan skyline, where it was joined by scores of other boats and ships.

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