Tibetans believe that the prayer flags representing the five elements: earth, fire, sky, water and wind, spread prayers with the wind

Tibetans believe that the prayer flags representing the five elements: earth, fire, sky, water and wind, spread prayers with the wind

Tibetans believe that the prayer flags representing the five elements: earth, fire, sky, water and wind, spread prayers with the wind

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देवीकूप भद्रकाली शक्तिपीठ थानेसर, कुरुक्षेत्र, हरियाणा

देवीकूप भद्रकाली शक्तिपीठ थानेसर, कुरुक्षेत्र, हरियाणा

Shri Devikoop Bhadrakali Shaktipeeth Temple is situated on the Jhansa Road in the town of …

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