Muharram Images

Muharram Images For Students And Children

Muharram Images For Students And Children: Muharram is observed by the Muslim community across the world in commemoration of the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammed’s grandson, Imam Hussain along with his family and followers, who were killed in the Battle of Karbala in AD 680. The Prophet’s son-in-law Ali, and Ali’s elder son Hassan, are also remembered during this period as having suffered and died for righteous causes. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar which marks the beginning of the new Islamic year. It is also one of the four months wherein fighting is strictly prohibited as the word Muharram has been derived from ‘haram’ which means “forbidden”.

Muharram commemorates the martyrdom of the prophet Mohammed s grandson – Hazrat Imam Hussein. It is observed all over the world by the Muslims especially the Shia community. Tazias, glittering replicas of the Martyrs tomb, are carried in procession through the streets. The Tazias of Lucknow and Hyderabad are noted for their splendor. In places like Lucknow, Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, grand scale processions are held. People beat their chest in mourning to the tune of beating drums and chant Ya Hussain. Devotees beat themselves and inflict wounds on their own bodies.

The mourning starts from the 1st day of Muharram and lasts for 10 days until 10th of Muharram. Muharram is the first month of Islamic calendar. During this month, while on a journey, Hazrat Imam Hussain, his family members and a number of his followers were surrounded by the forces of Yazid, the Muslim ruler of the time. During the siege, they were deprived of food and water and many of them were put to death. The incident happened at a place called Karbala in Iraq in 61st year after Hijra. This dispute was a result of a disagreement among Muslims on the question of succession after the demise of Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph. Some sects of Muslims hold meetings where speeches are made on the happenings of Karbala and on the lives of martyrs.

Muharram Images For Students And Children

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