Rocky The Horse

Rocky The Horse
Rocky The Horse

Rocky The Horse

Would you like to make a most acceptable present for a young boy? Here is an idea that will not cost you anything in materials, yet will work and really look most attractive. Get a medium sized cork from an old medicine bottle and clean this up with a piece of sandpaper. This is to make the body of the horse. The head can be fashioned from piece of card, with the horse’s head drawn on this and cut out with your scissors. Cut a slit in the cork, only a thin one, and force the horse’s head in this so that it sticks out as in the diagram.

We shall now need four legs and a tail to complete Rocky’s body. These are made from ordinary match sticks, stuck into the cork as shown. For the rockers, cut two pieces of thickish card about ½ in. wide. Pierce two holes in each of these and gum the ends of the legs in the holes. The tail and the other ends of the four legs are also secured with a spot of gum when pushed into the cork.

This jolly little rocking horse will be all the better for a coat of paint. Let us make him a spotted horse like the diagram with nice white legs and red rockers. Add some black wool to the head to represent the mane. This can be stuck on with ordinary gum and your rocky is all ready to wrap up and send away to a lucky boy for a present.

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