Tag Archives: Inner Peace Poems for Children

कारवां गुजर गया: मशहूर कवि, गीतकार नीरज की लोकप्रिय कविता

Gopal Das Neeraj

A very powerful poem indeed. When we are young, we have dreams and aspirations. Most of these are never realized. Life passes on and suddenly one day we find ourselves exhausted, past our primes even as our dreams lay shattered. This sentiment is so beautifully captured by Gopal Das Neeraj in this classic poem. The poem was also adopted as …

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खग उड़ते रहना जीवन भर: नीरज की एक प्रेरक हिंदी कविता

खग उड़ते रहना जीवन भर: नीरज प्रेरक हिंदी कविता

In this poem, Neeraj exhorts us to keep making efforts and not lose hope. These lines are very similar to what Lord Krishna told Arjuna in Kurukshetra (Geeta Chapter 2, shlokas 35, 36 and 37) खग उड़ते रहना जीवन भर: गोपाल दास नीरज खग! उड़ते रहना जीवन भर! भूल गया है तू अपना पथ‚ और नहीं पंखों में भी गति‚ किंतु …

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अज्ञात साथी के नाम: नीरज की निराशा से भरी प्रेम कविता

अज्ञात साथी के नाम - गोपाल दास नीरज

In this age of mobile phones, internet and emails, here is a poem with old-world charm. Old world where a hand written letter could easily light up a day, a life. Here is a charmer from Neeraj. लिखना चाहूँ भी तुझे खत तो बता कैसे लिखूँ ज्ञात मुझको तो तेरा ठौर ठिकाना भी नहीं दिखना चाहूँ भी तुझे तो मैं …

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The Shepherd’s Friend: A Beautiful Poem On Sheepdogs

The Shepherd’s Friend

A shepherd or sheepherder is a person who tends, herds, feeds, or guards herds of sheep. Shepherd derives from Old English sceaphierde. The first thing I remember, Was feeling snug and warm, It was in mid-October, And I had just been born. And when I saw my mother, She looked so sweet and kind, Her coat of golden, glossy fur, …

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