Cat Clothing Ideas

Car Clothing IdeasCats are lovely as it is, but there is no end to human fantasy. Dressing up your kitty in various costumes to make it look a real beauty, is quite a fad among the cat breeders and owners. However, you need to understand that your pet does not need to wear clothes everyday and they don’t like to do so too. A cat loves to roam about, with perfect agility and grace. It might not feel comfortable in a dress, but you can cajole your pussy to wear a dress on special occasions, such as its birthday or a celebration. Do not forget to capture the moments, before your kitty just gets bored and irritated with its new acquisition.

Just like our costume parties, a cats’ dress is only limited in colors, styles, designs and patterns to human imagination. The felt can be used for making the dress while easily detachable Velcro head and neck ornaments add to the beautiful look too. You can dress up your cat as a princess or a frog or a chick with cute pop impressions that will look quite funky. Add fake red hair to a red scarf and tie it around your cat and give your Red Riding Hood a basket with food to complete the look. You can add a cotton blouse for the consistency in the appearance. A single shawl can also be used to dress your feline beauty. To get ideas about cat clothes, read through the following lines.

Ideas For Cat Clothes

  • How about a nice comfy terry cloth bathrobe, after your kitty has taken its bath? Most cats hate water and this can be a nice way to cover up, for its much regretted water encounter.

  • Pajamas are the best way to dress up your cat, during the cold winter nights. You can either pick one, made out of thermal fabrics, or go for the normally used materials, such as cotton and polyester.

  • We all know that cats hate to be around water places. However, there are times when you and your feline must have been caught in the rain, while exploring the nature? At such situations, a specially designed cat raincoat can come handy.

  • If you are residing in cold chilly countries, you would realize that it becomes necessary to protect your pussy from the harsh weather conditions. The best bet would be to get your cat a nice warm jacket or coat or even sweaters.

  • Fashion is not just restricted to human beings. This can be proved with the dozens of fashion clothing for pets that are available in stores. Get your feline a cute and elegant fashion clothing set, which usually consists of shirt, pants, hood, and boots.

  • For everyday clothing, get your cat some rugby, tennis, and golf-style shirts. In case you and your kitty are planning a trip to a beach to beat the heat, the ideal option would be to get your pet a spring summer wear.

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