Easter Holiday: Kids Poetry on Easter

Easter Holiday: Kids Poetry on Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Easter Holiday: Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly A.D. 30. The holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events and holidays that begins with Lent—a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week, which includes Holy Thursday (the celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 Apostles, also known as “Maundy Thursday”), Good Friday (on which Jesus’ crucifixion is observed) and Easter Sunday. Although a holiday of high religious significance in the Christian faith, many traditions associated with Easter date back to pre-Christian, pagan times.

Easter Holiday: English Poetry

Easter holiday is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ!
Jesus Christ, The Son of God bled and died for us in a sacrifice.

This spring days’ celebrated, generally in the month of April.
All of the bright and pretty colors, of the Easter outfits with frill.

Women and children will wear their Easter bonnets.
In the spring, you’ll hear the various musical sonnets.

April will bring many rain showers.
That’ll bring us various beautiful flowers.

One special flower for this day is the Easter lily.
Its color is white, and yet snowy & milky.

The birds will sing their songs of praise.
As we begin to feel the warmth of the sun’s rays.

As we say “Goodbye” to the winter’s gloom,
The flowers and trees have already begun to bloom.

All of life’s beauty, The Lord created, for us all to share.
Spring breezes begin to flow, sending fragrances through the air.

The winter’s thawing will let the rivers, lakes, and streams rise and flow.
The beauty of the Earth will make us all feel aglow!

Farmers and gardeners will start to hoe.
And then they’ll begin to sow.

On Sundays, we’ll hear the various church bells ring.
Let’s be grateful for the LORD, let’s rejoice and sing.

If it wasn’t for the Lord, we wouldn’t have anything!

How do you explain Easter?

What is Easter? Easter is one of the principal holidays, or feasts, of Christianity. It marks the Resurrection of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion. For many Christian churches, Easter is the joyful end to the Lenten season of fasting and penitence.

What is an Easter story?

The death and resurrection of Jesus happened more than 2,000 years ago and is recorded in God’s Word, the Bible. The Easter story is weaved throughout the New Testament. All four Gospel books – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – record Jesus’ final days of life on Earth and His sacrificial death for all mankind.

What is Easter for kids?

Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians. It celebrates their belief in the resurrection, or the rising from the dead, of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the founder of the religion of Christianity. Easter is always observed on a Sunday in the spring, but its date varies.

What is the original name of Easter?

Originally known as the Spring Equinox, the word Easter parallels the German word Ostern which is derived from Eostre or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring. In German stories, Ostara is believed to have been responsible for bringing about spring each year.

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