Leucoderma (White Patches)

Leucoderma FaceLeucoderma (White Patches) — Leucoderma is a skin disease also known as white patch (the development of circumscribed depigmentred patches). There is complete loss of melancytes from the affected patch. There may be positive family history of the disorder in those generalized leucoderma and this type is associated with auto-immune diseases such as diabetes and thyroid.

Interms of Ayurveda:

According to Ayurveda this disease is known as ‘shivitr’ or ‘kilaas’ � the appearance of a patche on skin with white or red coloration without any kind of swelling, fermentation, and pus formation in it. The patch of de-pigmentation of the skin is generally surrounded with normal skin. The patch might spread extensively covering the entire skin surface.

Pitta is the dosha, which is responsible for occurrence of this disease. When it is increased beyond the norm it affects rakt dhatu (blood ), maas dhatu (flesh), maid dhatu (fat).

Home remedies:

  • ’Amla’ juice with honey is useful for the treatment of leucoderma.
  • ’Giloy’ juice is help in leucoderma
  • Cow’s urine woks effectively in leucoderma
  • ’Shwet jayanti’ root with cow milk on every Sunday is oldest therapy
  • ’Harad’, ‘neem’ leaf juice and ‘amla’ helpful in leucoderma
  • Seeds of ‘bakuchi’with luke water and its paste on affected area
  • Paste of ‘aparajita’s root with cow’s urine on affected area

Therapeutical Remedies:

  • Trifla Powder = 1 table spoon twice a day
  • Kaishore Gugglu = 1 tablet twice a day
  • Panchsakar Powder = 1 table spoon at bed time
  • Bakuchi Seed = 1mg twice a day with luke water
  • Kali Jeeri = 175mg Twice a day with harad
  • Bakuchi Oil = for local application
  • Aragvadhyadi Oil = for local application

Note: All medical preparations should be used under supervision of a medical practitioner.

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One comment

  1. Useful Home Remedies for Leucoderma. Ayurveda have complete solution in Vitiligo. If we following these tips, then surely we will safe from this disease. Thanks a lot for sharing.