Cancer Monthly Horoscope: October 2022

Cancer Monthly Horoscope: April 2024 Astrology Predictions

Cancer Monthly Horoscope (June 22 – July 22)

April 2024 – Cancer Monthly Horoscope: Cancer is the fourth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Cancer. It spans the 90-120th degree of the zodiac, between 90 and 125.25 degree of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area on average between June 21 and July 21, and under the sidereal zodiac, the Sun transits this area between approximately July 16 and August 15. A person under this sign is called a Moon child. The symbol of the crab is based on the Karkinos, a giant crab that harassed Hercules during his fight with the Hydra. The Cancer-Leo cusp lasts from July 19 to July 23.

Read April 2024 Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope: April 2024

You are on the way to designing a better future, and it is very much possible during this month. Each and every transit event in April will be important, so you need to identify the opportunities brought by these events. On the 1st of April, Mercury, the celestial messenger, will turn retrograde, and it will turn direct only by the 25th. The Sun and Mercury are in Aries, and on the 5th, Venus will also be joining them. The solar eclipse on the 9th will also occur in the fire sign of Aries. All these are pointing towards career-related changes, which are not in a safe mode. Mercury retrogression will bring technical glitches and communication issues. New job opportunities, arguments with managers, or appraisals will surely come up.

Mars will be sextiling Jupiter and Uranus on different dates, so be watchful of your foreign collaborations and long trips. This Mars will push you out of your comfort zone and make you interact with people from different cultures. There’s a dynamic urge to explore new ideas, challenge perspectives, and engage in debates or discussions that broaden one understands of the world. It’s a time for embracing intellectual challenges, higher studies, and learning from practical life as well. The time is very good for teaching, preaching, and counseling too.

On the 19th, the sun will move into Taurus, which will impact your long-term relationships, and the full moon will rise in the fifth house as well. Both aspects will impact your dreams, hopes, and wishes. This Full Moon highlights the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and the power of collective efforts to achieve common objectives. You will either complete some formalities for long-term projects or end a friendship so that you can start something new. It’s a time for celebrating achievements within social circles but also for addressing any tensions or conflicts that may arise, fostering greater harmony and mutual understanding among peers.

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