Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers

Science & Mathematics Questions & Answers

How is the height of different places on earth measured from the sea level?

How is the height of different places on earth measured from the sea level?

How is the height of different places on earth measured from the sea level? The height of different places on earth is measured with the help of the ‘altimeter’. The instrument used for measuring the height at a place is basically a barometer. At sea level, the height of the barometric liquid (mercury) is 76 cm. When we go to …

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What is the cause of the earth’s magnetic field?

What is the cause of the earth’s magnetic field?

Originally, it was thought that the centre of the earth has magnetized iron deposits, which caused it to act like a huge permanent bar magnet. However, the theory failed to explain how the magnetic field had sustained itself for long, because even if there was magnetized iron in the core earlier, the core of the earth is so hot that …

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What was the first life on the Earth?

What was the first life on the Earth?

Until quite recently it was thought that there were no abundant life forms on this planet until about 600 million years ago. When we remember that the Earth itself is at least 4500 million years old, it does seem to have taken a very long time before any animals or plants appeared. Then, geologically speaking, they must have developed very …

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When will Oceans of the Earth Overflow?

When will the Oceans of the Earth Overflow?

When will the Oceans of the Earth Overflow? Try this out. Plug the sink and leave the water running. It will lead to a flood in the bathroom and a scolding for letting the water overflow. Since the sink could not hold an unlimited amount of water, it let the water spill out. But even the oceans are enormous bodies …

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How did the abbreviation Dr for doctors originate, and why do engineers not use Er?

Doctors Day Quotes For Students And Children

The abbreviation originated in an effort to separate people qualified to practice medicine from those holding the highest academic degree i.e. doctorate in non-medical subjects. Hence, a physician or surgeon is denoted by Dr, while the holders of academic degrees are known by the initial ‘D’ e.g. DPhil (Philosophy) or DLitt (Literature). In USA, only dentists and veterinary surgeons are …

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What does cold blooded mean?

What does cold blooded mean?

What does cold blooded mean? Creatures such as mammals have a body temperature which stays roughly the same whatever surroundings they are in. This temperature varies from creature to creature, for example the body temperature of any healthy human is 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Some creatures are cold blooded, which means that the body temperature varies according to the animals surrounding. …

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What is blood group? Types, Blood Transfusion

What is blood group?

Perhaps you already know, which blood group you belong to: A, B, AB, O, Rhesus + Rhesus + (Rhesus Positive), or Rhesus – (Rhesus Negative). But do you know what these letters and signs mean? Although all human blood looks the same when see under a microscope, we do not all have the same type of blood. Some substances, found …

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What is the purpose of blood? Function, Structure

What is the purpose of blood?

Blood plays vital role in the life of our body. It is a fluid that circulates through the heart and blood vessels, supplying nutritive materials to every part of the body and carrying off waste products. It is colorless fluid, plasma, in which float myriads of corpuscles. There are of three kinds: red, white and platelets. Learn More: Blood is …

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