Search Results for: chemical reaction

Why do Locusts Swarm?

Have you ever tried chasing a frisky grasshopper? If you have, you will definitely know that scampering after a jumpy bug is not an easy task. Most species of grasshoppers have a keen sense of hearing and the moment they sense trouble, they can hop fast and furious! Sometimes, shortage of food turns grasshoppers into migratory insects as they venture …

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Vinegar Volcano

Vinegar Volcano – Things Reqiured: Red Food Color, Vinegar, 2 Small Plastic or Glass Bottles, Funnel, Bicarbonate of Soda (Bicarb), Large Colored Plate, Sand, Glue (Fevicol), Colored Paper, Pencil, Scissors, Sticky Tape. Fizzy Gas Everything is made of chemicals. And all chemicals are made of tiny particles called atoms. During a chemical reaction, one group of atoms are shuffled and …

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Why is the flame of a candle pointed?

The flame of a candle is produced when the wax of the candle melts due to heat and the molten wax rises in the wick. It gets vapourised at its tip, and the vapour starts burning. The chemical reactions that occur are quite complex, giving rise to various colours and different zones of the flame. As the heated gas rises …

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Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (21 February 1894 – 1 January 1955) was a well-known Indian scientist. Bhatnagar was born in Shahpur, now in Pakistan. His Brahmo father Parmeshwari Sahai Bhatnagar died when he was only eight months old and he spent his childhood in the house of his maternal grandfather, an engineer, where he developed a liking for science and engineering. He …

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Why does color fade?

An article’s color fades when subjected to a chemical reaction in which oxygen is released. This oxygen combines with the natural coloring matter or with the dye to produce a colorless compound. Thus the color of the article becomes paler and is finally taken out together, or bleached. The most famous bleaching agent in the sun, and the process by …

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Why does an automobile have a carburetor?

An automobile is driven by an internal combustion engine which will work properly only if the right amounts of petrol and air are mixed together. The carburetor is the part of the engine where the mixing takes place. The burning of fuel in the engine is a chemical reaction in which petrol combines with the oxygen of the air to …

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Why do some liquid burn?

Some liquids will burn because when their molecules mix with the oxygen in the air the mixture becomes combustible. The application of heat promotes the necessary chemical reaction to put the molecules into more violent motion, so that they collide at high speed. The jolt loosens the bonds and makes it easier for the molecules to rearrange themselves and escape …

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Where does candlewax go when a candle burns?

Nowhere-it simply changes into other substances. That is what burning does to everything. The moment you put a match to the wick, you start a change in the candle by turning the solid wax into a liquid. The liquid wax rises to the wick by an irresistible process called capillarity, the simplex example of which is the way blotting paper …

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What is a catalyst?

A catalyst is any substance which causes a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any chemical change. Many industrial processes depend on this property. A simple example is when oxygen and hydrogen combine together quickly in the presence of platinum. Platinum is therefore, the catalyst. It is believed that this is due to the gases being absorbed on the surface of …

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How can we use Water to run Cars?

Huge amounts of polluting gases are being released into the earth’s atmosphere by the large scale burning of fossil fuels or natural fuels found under the earth. These gases are the main culprits behind the phenomenon of global warming and other climatic changes. In order to find cleaner fuels, scientists around the world are trying to find a fuel or …

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